Prima PaginaSotto gli auspici della Freedom Task Force della FSFE, è stata annunciata ieri la nascita di una nuova rivista, International Free and Open Source Law Review, o IFOSS L. Rev.

Si tratta di una rivista “peer reviewed” che si propone di offrire una visione scientifica e distaccata del fenomeno legale e sociale del Software Libero, ospitando voci di legali, economisti, operatori del settore. La rivista è guidata in modo “non partigiano” da un comitato editoriale di quindici membri che ruota parzialmente a ogni uscita. Io ho fatto parte del comitato per questa uscita e probabilmente anche per la prossima.

Ogni contributo è bene accetto e verrà vagliato secondo gli standard usuali per il tipo di pubblicazione

Di seguito la press release uffiicale.



Contacts: Andrew Katz, Editor: 07970 835001

Amanda Brock, Editor: 0780 9389878




Editorial Committee, International Free and Open Source Software Law Review, London.


London, 13 July 2009. 


Today sees the launch of a prestigious new legal Journal which aims to bring the highest standards to bear in analysis and comment on all aspects of Free and Open Source software.


The ‘International Free and Open Source Software Law Review’ (IFOSSLR) is a peer reviewed biannual journal for high-level analysis and debate about Free and Open Source Software legal issues and is published by an independent Editorial Committee. 


Free and Open Source Software has increasingly come to challenge traditional concepts of intellectual property and collaboration by allowing every user to use, study, share and and improve code, facilitating the creation of elegant and effective software that now lies at the heart of the mainstream technology industry.  IFOSSLR aims to foster increased understanding and promote best practice for all parties engaging with this approach to licensing.


Welcoming this initiative, Karen Copenhaver, Partner Choate Hall & Stewart LLP and counsel to the Linux Foundation commented: “There are many reasons why The International Free and Open Source Software Law Review will be warmly received in legal circles, in the free and open source community and in the wider software industry.  For many years the focus in the legal community has been on raising questions about free and open source software licenses and development models.  With this journal we have turned the page and begun to focus on the answers.  It is rewarding to see lawyers adopting collaborative models to share knowledge and work product, arrive at common understandings, and further the development of the necessary legal ecosystem around free and open source software.  It is also significant that this international journal reflects the global community that has formed around these models.  My congratulations and thanks go to the editorial board that worked so well together to create this valuable resource.”  


In concord with the aims of the Free and Open Source Software movement, IFOSSLR will be available printed and on-line under a licence allowing it to be freely reproduced by individuals and organisations, commercial and non-commercial alike, provided that the content and authorship of the articles is respected.


The first issue is now available on the Internet to be read and downloaded without charge at Paper copies can also be ordered via the website.


Click here to browse IFOSSLR Volume 1, Issue 1 online


Click here to download a PDF file of IFOSSLR Volume 1, Issue 1.


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